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Kamis, 29 April 2010

He was a boy, she was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk,she did ballet
What more can I say?

He wanted her, she'd never tell
secretly she wanted him as well.

But all of her friends stuck up there nose
they had a problem with his baggy clothes.

He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enought for her
She had a pritty face, but her head was up in space
she needed to come back down to earth.

five years from now, she sits at home
feeding the baby
she's all alone

she turns on tv
guess who she sees
skater boy rockin' up MTV.

she calles up her friends,they already know
and they've all got tickets to see his show

she tags along and stands in the crowd
looks up at the man that she turned down.

He was a skater boy,she said see ya later boy
he wasn't good enought for her
now he's a super star
slamin' on his guitar
does your pritty face see what he's worth?

sorry girl but you missed out
well tuff luck that boys mine now

we are more than just good friends
this is how the story ends

too bad that you couldn't see
see that man that boy could be

there is more that meets the eye
I see the soul that is inside

He's just a boy, and i'm just a girl
can I make it anymore obvious?

we are in love, haven't you heard
how we rock eachothers world

I'm with the skater boy, I said see ya later boy
i'll be back stage after the show
i'll be at a studio
singing the song we wrote
about a girl you used to know

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Cara Mendapatkan Kembali Password Facebook Yang Kena Hack

Disinilah Cara Mendapatkan Kembali Password Facebook Yang Kena Hack atau di kerjain orang / facebook hacker, cracker, hacking dan segala macam tentang facebook hack password.

Pada artikel sebelumnya saya pernah menulis tentang solusi facebook yang kena hack namun sepertinya belum menemui titik terang alias berbelit-belit karena kita harus konfirmasi ke pihak facebook, itupun belum tentu responnya cepat karena sampai saat ini saya yakin sudah ratusan ribu facebook yang kena hack hingga diganti passwordnya bahkan ada juga yang menonaktifkan / mendelete account facebook yang di hack.

Langsung saja cara mendapatkan kembali password facebook yang di hack orang.

Dalam hal ini yang saya ambil ialah dengan cara mendapatkan password email terlebih dahulu sebagai contoh email

1. Menuju ke login email yahoo di alamat

2. Klik tulisan I can’t access my account | Help

3. Setelah itu anda akan disuguhi pertanyaan seperti ini :

What’s the problem you are experiencing?

I forgot my password

My password doesn’t work

I forgot my Yahoo! ID

My account may have been compromised

Maka pilihlah yang paling atas I Forgot my passwod lalu klik Next

4. Setelah itu anda akan disuguhi 2 kotak form. pada bagian 1 disebelah tulisan My Yahoo! ID is “tulislah alamat email yang digunakan untuk login facebook”.

Pada form bawahnya adalah security kode, tulislah sesuai yang tertera disana.

Jika sudah tekan Next lalu akan ada pertanyaan inti salah satunya yaitu pertanyaan pada saat anda mendaftar email tersebut. ingat kan ? :D

Seperti pertanyaan “Siapa nama depan pamanmu ?” isilah sesuai yang anda tuliskan waktu itu. setelah itu tekan Next dan Reset your password. maka anda akan mendapatkan password baru di email anda.

Lalu bagaimana caranya mendapatkan password facebook yang sudah diganti ? caranya :

login facebook, gunakan bantuan /klik tulisan Lupa kata sandi Anda?

lalu isikan form security code dan email anda dibawahnya. maka password baru akan dikirim ke email anda.

Dan apa yang terjadi ??? Selamat… facebook kembali ke tangan anda!!!

Nb : trik diatas belum 100% berhasil karena bisa saja Hacker melakukan …… mau tahu ?


Calender dnyz

jam'e dniz
